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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Adobe Photoshop-How to create Pill-shaped Glass Buttons

This scrap will demonstrate how you can create Glass Pill-Shaped buttons.

=> Goto File -> New and set width as 250px and height as 150px, Resolution to 72px/inches and set the color mode to RGB and click OK.

=> Double-click the name in the Layers palette and rename the layer "Background".

=> Select the Paint Bucket Tool from the Toolbar and fill the layer in white color.

=> Create a New Layer and name the layer as "Button Shape".

=> To create the button shape, select the Elliptical Marquee tool from the Toolbar.

=> With the Elliptical Marquee tool selected click-and-drag from near the upper-left corner of the image. When you dragging pres SHIFT and drag.

=> And fill the selected area as black color using Paint Bucket Tool.

=> To create a black pill shape from the circle, hold the CTRL and the ALT keys and tap the right arrow key.

=> Create a New Layer and name the layer as "Glass".

=> Goto Select -> Deselect to get rid of the selection.

=> Select the Gradient Tool.

=> With the Gradient Tool activated click the 'Click to edit the gradient'.

=> Creating the glass button requires three colors. The top and bottom will share the same color and the middle color will be a darker shade of the
color used for the top and bottom.

=> Select the colors and click OK and close the Gradient Editor.

=> Press CTRL and click on the Glass Layer. The area will be selected.

=> Click near the top of the selected area with the Gradient tool and drag.

=> Create New Layer and name it as "Highlight".

=> The selection should still be active, but it needs to be smaller, to shrink the selection choose Select -> Modify -> Contract and enter 5 pixels for the value.

=> Add some Highlights. Select Gradient tool. This time remove the middle color slider by clicking-and-dragging it off the dialog box. With the middle slider gone, set the two ends to white by double-clicking each in turn.

=> With the colors set add another transparency slider at the top by clicking near the middle at the top of the gradient. Set the Opacity for this slider to 0 and set its Location to 70%. Click OK.

=> Click-and-drag from the top of the selected area to the bottom. Press CTRL+T and you can adjust the Layer.

=> Duplicate the Button Shape layer and name it as "Shadow". Press CTRL+T and use it to move the black shape down and to shrink it down a little.

=> Goto Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to about 4.0 pixels. To make the shadow less opaque, turn down the Opacity setting in the Layers palette. I set the value to about 50%.

The Pill-shaped Glass Button is ready.

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